Saturday, February 24, 2007

Excitement Shabbos morning!!!!

This shabbos morning mommy and tatty woke up to find that all the kinderlach in the home slept in thier beds/cribs ALL NIGHT. The most exciting for mommy was that Rivka slept the entire night in her crib when she usually wakes up a few times a night to nurse. Levi is geting ready for Purim at school which also means its his birthday soon. Levi also played at his friend Mussia alot this week. After shabbos Tatty sat on the couch and read to the boys this week's parsha. Mendel fell asleep but ofcourse Levi didn't. This shabbos Levi and Mendel went to shul friday night with tatty. Tatty said that they were very good in shul and davened very nicely.

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