Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rivka is Teething

Sorry I haven't posted for a week. Not too much happened, the kids were just kids. For the past weeks parsha Levi's class made Yakov and Esav puppets. Levi had alot of fun with them until he and his brother ripped them to shreads. Rivka was really cute this week just teething a bit which means I don't get much sleep at night.

Today the boys were a bit more kvetchy than usual and I don't feel so well today. I think we may be all be catching a cold. Here is a picture of Mendel chilling out on the couch with his "duice cup"
Oh I almost forgot that Levi's is getting better and better at doing his own buttons. Which is great for me since he loves t wear shirts just like tatty. Actually Levi's likes to wear shirts with pockets.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Our First Post

This is my first post. Since I am too lazy to email everyone all the time. I hope that family and friends who just want to know whats up over here in the Margo household will just check this blog

so lets start. Levi went to school as usual today. Rivka stood up holding onto a chair.
Mendel was his same old self just funbling around the house play with things that are not toys and not playing with his real toys. I think he misses Levi alot. Today was cleaning lady day and she did lots of cleaning. She motivates me to do the laundry but not just wash it but put it away. YIPEEEE